LIFEx reads DICOM images locally or over a network using a DICOM browser, is compatible with Osirix and includes a powerful 3D reconstruction-based slice viewer. Volume of interest (VOI) can be either imported from previously created files or drawn and manipulated using LIFEx. Results are exported in Excel format files. LIFEx runs on Windows, MacOs and Linux. It is distributed with examples and includes a tutorial. User support is offered. Users can optionally contribute to the gathering of index values in different tissue types and different images as a public data bank of reference values is currently being built and integrated to the software for assisting the users with the interpretation of their results.

version 4.90 - Thue Apr 9 15pm CEST 2019

What's new in (feature release) LIFEx 4.90?
- added: header viewer of nifti format image
- added: ROI interpolation between two 2D ROI drawn on axial slices
- added: (texture protocol): quartile Q1, Q2 (median), Q3 in conventional indices
- added: loading 2D ROI in PNG, TIFF, BMP, GIF, JPG formats
- added: saving 3D image in nifti integer 16 bit signed (in addition to have nifti float 32 bit)
- added: unit of voxel size displayed on the image
- added: call of a texture script online directly in file (Linux OS only) (you can copy/paste the last command line with a different script file on each line)
- added: affine transform of series (S) with aS+b model
- changed: clik&draw and click40% tools now in the Tool menu
- changed: "draw" label menu is changed to "edit" label menu
- changed: the "move" tool selects the reference series automatically and avoids the corresponding warning message
- changed: decrease or increase of + -1 value by step wheel and Shift key pressed (and + -10 with Shift + Ctrl keys pressed at the same time) for snake2D and snake3D tools
- fixed (texture protocol): CONV_minvalue is now calculated
- fixed (MTV protocol): disabling of tools that not available on tool box option
- fixed (MTV protocol): ROI display on 360° angles of MIP
- fixed (MTV protocol): save custom values for pruning (initial & threshold steps) in preference session file
- fixed (MTV protocol): eye always open for maximum values in the sorting criterion menu 
- fixed (MTV protocol): numerical sorting for sorting criterion with #id values
- fixed (MTV protocol): closing of the dialog box of sorting menu
- fixed (MTV protocol): artifactual ROI split visible on display
- fixed: rounded values of RTStruct contours are more accurate
- fixed: SUV conversion in Philips proprietary dicom format (formatted as a vector in uint8)
- fixed: round/floor of ROI location (on display) when using absolute or relative threshold
- fixed: threshold when SUV unit is selected
- fixed: optimisation of the memory management when running on Linux OS