LIFEx reads DICOM images locally or over a network using a DICOM browser, is compatible with Osirix and includes a powerful 3D reconstruction-based slice viewer. Volume of interest (VOI) can be either imported from previously created files or drawn and manipulated using LIFEx. Results are exported in Excel format files. LIFEx runs on Windows, MacOs and Linux. It is distributed with examples and includes a tutorial. User support is offered. Users can optionally contribute to the gathering of index values in different tissue types and different images as a public data bank of reference values is currently being built and integrated to the software for assisting the users with the interpretation of their results.

What's in LIFEx 3.42?
- Texture: renaming of textural indices, e.g: Homogeneity of GLCM matrix become GLCM_Homogeneity
- Texture: increased precision of textural indice results (float->double)
- Texture: moving CONV_volume to SHAPE_volume in the xls results file
- Texture: absolute and relative resampling intensity also applies on first order indices (previously, relative resampling was systematically used for first order indices) 
- Texture: new HISTO_entropy with log2 formula (HISTO_entropy_log2)
- Texture: new GLCM_entropy with log2 formula (GLCM_entropy_log2)
- Texture: new checkbox in advanced parameters of texture panel for saving values histogram in excel file
- Texture: when a ROI includes several clusters, the histogram is calculated using all cluster voxels while texture indices are calculated for the largest cluster only

- Main: removal of the validated/advanced levels in first windows (advanced is selected by default)
- Main: emoval of modalities choice (all modalities are selected by default)

Bug Fixes
- Texture: Correction of an edge effect in the GLCM
- TMTV: Liver value shown in the dialog box to set a threshold as a function of that value is now expressed in SUV units
- Main: modification of problematic slash into PatientID, PatientName, StudyDescription, SeriesDescription and SeriesUnit DICOM fields when saving image in nifti-1 file
- Main: reordering temporal images with the InstanceNumber field when the ImagesTime field is null on DICOM files